Streami - Streaming Service Web Design

  • Streami is a fictitious streaming service similar to that of Spotify, Apple Music, etc. The goal of this website design was to implement a grid system and media player.

  • First was coming up with concepts and what I wanted the website to look like. I started researching streaming site design and used websites such as Netflix and Spotify as inspiration. After, I needed fictitious bands and album covers for the website so I used Unsplash to find stock images and using Illustrator I added text and effects to the photos to make them look like album covers. After, I created a mockup of what I wanted the website to look like after coding and used that to guide me. When coding, I used CSS Grid to format my website and make it responsive.

  • Once the code was done, I plugged in my images, chose a song for the media player and the project was complete!